We are dedicated to providing a smooth and reliable shipping experience. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our shipping policy, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team for assistance. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Order Confirm

A confirmation email will be sent to you once the order needs authorization. We begin preparing your order immediately after it is verified. With this sort of time frame, it makes it difficult for us to change or cancel your order, however, we will do our best to support your request.

Order Cancellation

We will NOT accept order cancellation request if the orders have been shipped. Please apply for a return after receiving the package.


It usually takes 1-3 business days for your order, while some items may take longer than expected. 

Shipping Fee

Country/Region Cost Shipping Time

United States


  • Free for orders over US$59.95
  • Otherwise US$9.95
3-7 Business Days
  • Free for orders over AU$69.95
  • Otherwise AU$9.95
3-7 Business Days
United Kingdom
  • Free  for orders over £59.95
  • Otherwise £9.95
3-7 Business Days
  • Free for orders over €59.95
  • Otherwise €9.95
3-7 Business Days
Others Markets waiting to open Markets waiting to open

*Note: Shipping costs are subject to change and may vary based on the actual rates at the time of checkout.

Please note:

  • Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time
  • Please note that the actual delivery time of pre-sale products may be delayed. If you mind the shipping time, thank you for your patience and understanding. If you mind, please place your order with caution.
  • All estimated/typical delivery time are derived from real world data collected from past orders. They are approximate times for reference only.
  • Shipping times will be affected during public holidays; manufacturers and couriers will limit their operations at these times. This is outside our control. Normal service resumes immediately after each holiday.

How to Track Your Order

After you place your order, we'll take 1-2 business days to confirm and arrange delivery. Once your shipping information is confirmed, we'll send you an email with your order tracking number and delivery updates. You can also track the progress of your order using the "Track My Order" feature on our website.

Note for taxes

Our customers do not need to pay for importing fees, duties or VAT(Valued Additional Tax). However, some limited countries (especially for some European countries such as Germany, Italy, UK and Canada,etc.) may need to pay duties or VAT according to your countries’ levying rules.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions, please contact our customer services at help@meedenart.com.